Final Project

Alison Chapman
2 min readJan 25, 2021


It was quite interesting to reflect on my favorite childhood book First Test by Tamora Pierce, after so many years. Upon creating the word cloud out of these reflections, it brings back memories of this story which are also quite relevant in life today. The diction illustrates a daunting beginning.

First off, when I look at this photo the colors of red, orange and other similar shades bring forward a negative, alarming sentiment — quite true to the book. The words that come forward, such as head, new, turned, began, face, all suggest a beginning. I also see a lot of male influence because of words like Lord, boys, boy. The fact that these words are followed by other words like will, right, just, stood and fight, suggest a connection between males and these movements. Again, an accurate connection.

I think it was important to choose a male person for the typeface for several reasons. The book is centered around the idea of inequality. The main character, Keladry, is unable to become a knight because of her gender. I think establishing a male typeface highlights this theme, The second reason I chose this typeface is because outside of being a designation for a male, it has the physical appearance of a person. The book is focused around the struggles of a (female) person facing the prejudices of boys and associated bullying.

I think that my word cloud raises an interesting point that the words female, girl and women were only mentioned a handful of times, considering the central theme is all about prejudice and inequality with women.

